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#CoCinWA, Day 7

Karissa H, Ale N, Abby N

On our last full day, we began morning time with the Lord as usual, but were joined by members from our sister club at San Diego! It was very special to spend time with each other in fellowship over some readings on the Christian life as a feast. Next was Ivar’s for classic fishy fare. Here I enjoyed fellowshipping over lunch with some sisters on the importance of enjoying God as we work to cultivate the seeds He has sown within us. Yes, this involves labor, for turning to the Lord in every moment and under every circumstance is no easy matter—but the resulting produce is rich enjoyment for worshipping God, for ourselves, and for spiritually feeding our fellow believers. After lunch we hit a tulip farm (astounding blooms stretching for hundreds of feet; a red so saturated it hurt to look) and Deception Pass (gorgeous blue all over; a very narrow and slightly shaky bridge). On the drive back into Seattle I was considering how the Lord has been faithful to supply me all this week—to plant seeds of His life into me—and now my prayer is that I would be faithful to labor on these seeds. How wonderful and encouraging it was to have spent spring break with my fellow laborers in Christ!

—Karissa H.

Today was the last full day and it’s a bittersweet feeling. This whole week has been an abundance of provision and enjoyment from the Lord, especially in His operation in the Body. We went to a lovely tulip garden and I was geeking out because tulips are my favorite flower ever! Then we saw an awesome view crossing Deception Pass. After all these wonderful adventures, we attended home meetings for dinner and the Lord was so rich. I enjoyed that prayer is an action of the Spirit and the more we pray, the more we are in the Spirit. This is what it means to “exercise” our spirit since prayer is the means of fellowship between God’s heart and mine. It’s been so sweet to see the life of the Lord in each person.🌷

—Ale N.

As the only student mom in the group, I have definitely had a special experience on this trip. I had to depend on my brothers and sisters many times for help, but through those times I felt very cherished and thankful for the Body. One such moment was at the tulip farm when Abiel held Ivy while Jasmine pumped water so I could make sure she washed her hands thoroughly. Another was at Deception Pass when Ale carried Ivy all the way across the bridge. I felt the love of God through the members of the Body every time I was cared for in this way. I also enjoyed small group at the Andrew’s in the evening. While the food and dessert were delicious, singing together and sharing with each other what we enjoyed of God over the course of the trip was the sweetest part of the night.

—Abby N.

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