Our last day in Seattle culminated with the Berkeley alumni sharing time. During the time, we were able to hear the experiences of the club and the church life in Berkeley from former students who graduated and have families and careers in Seattle. One point that repeatedly impressed me was that our continuation in the church life in the future is the same as the way we pursue now: reading the Bible, spending personal time with the Lord, and meeting with the saints. Their stories were touching. One brother shared how discovering his human spirit released him from a life of hypocrisy and enmity with God. Another sister shared how she was distant from God throughout her time in college but because she faithfully attended the meetings, she was able to continue pursuing the Lord and the church life even after she graduated. I was watered by the love and the care in their testimonies. Even though these alumni did not know us personally, they still had the burden to share their experiences and wisdom from the years that ultimately changed their Christian life. I am happy to know that there are several who have gone before me and have the burden to care for the younger generation. When it comes time for me to graduate and pursue a career, I pray that the Lord will have transformed me into a person burning in spirit serving the Lord and shepherding the younger generation.
—Theo P.
Today was the last day of our spring break!!! Though it was a bitter sweet ending to an amazing trip it was also a very enjoyable one as well. We started off the day with personal and morning time with the Lord and then some of the previous Berkeley’s alumni came to share about their experiences about enjoying the Lord throughout their years in college.
A portion that I enjoyed from one of the alumni answering how we can remain in the church life: “How we go on today is no different than how we go on 10 years in the future. How do we remain in the Lord? To remain in the Lord and in the church is to find Him in His word and to be with the fellow brothers and sisters pursuing toward the goal.” May we be ones who would remain under His presence!!
—Ethan C.
Today was our last day in Seattle. We gave our hospitality the LIMITED-TIME, EXCLUSIVE, COC-EDITION TOTE BAG, WHICH YOU CAN GET FOR $15.
Olive, one of the kids of our hosts, really enjoyed finding Mark, Ethan, and me in the group photo. I got to know the host family and my roommates better during the spring break trip. Through multiple dinners and conversations with them, I got to know more of the Christ in them. After departing from their home, we headed to the hall where we met many alumni of Berkeley. Hearing their stories of how they have continued to pursue and enjoy Christ after college was very inspiring. Although our final airport rush was hectic, the atmosphere was still full of life and peace. We all made it back together and hope to continue to eat Christ!
—Sean G.