Today, we started off with the Lord's table meeting with the saints in Seattle along with other visitors who came as well. Afterwards, we all went to grab lunch at 2 different places, with one group of people going out for some pho and some people going to get burritos. I personally went for the burritos and we greatly enjoyed eating the food with the members of the Body.
—Henna K.

Tonight some of us joined the UW and UCSD (also in town for their spring break trip!) students for coordination for the following week. We started off the time with some intros and singing, and the singing just went on and on! I could feel the spirit filling up in the room and spreading within each one of us.
“And the waters sank to sleep
In the rest of seeing Thee”
Having our spirits filled with the Lord made our coordination go much smoother as we were all pursuing towards the same goal! Praise the Lord for the students and the one Body!
—Grace L.

Today, I enjoyed the community and the sights! We went to the Ballard Locks and saw some beautiful sights, looking out into the water and talking to other club members. In the afternoon, we had dinner with some community saints and fellowshipped over the day's festivities. Our conversations were so sweet and warm. After dinner, the kids in the family I am staying with showed us the musical pieces they learned. Experiencing the community saints of Seattle has been amazing. I can’t wait to see what the rest of the week brings me!
—Daniela V.
