Today marked the start of our spring break trip to Texas! Lots of activities to look forward to during this packed and Christ-filled week! For some of us, we had a pretty early start, leaving from Berkeley at 3am… and there were so many moments where my tiredness caught up to me. But throughout the day, some words of a hymn I was enjoying came to mind “O Lord, Thou art the Spirit, how dear and near to me! How I enjoy Thy marvelous availability!” I was tired and in need of life, but I could enjoy how available the Lord is by calling on His sweet name and singing with the other brothers and sisters.
I also appreciated being with the believers, the excellent of God (Psalm 16:3)! We hung out in Dallas during the day before heading to Arlington where we gathered to eat with the brothers and sisters from our sister club there. Whether playing ultimate with the local brothers and sisters, eating and fellowshipping, or singing around the campfire, it was awesome to see a little bit more of the Body of Christ. The Lord is building His church, composed of all His believers from various backgrounds and cultures who enjoy the same Lord, the same Christ!
On land or sea, in Berkeley or Texas, what matters where? Where Jesus is, our joy is there!
–Andrew T.
Our flight was at 6am on Saturday–the first day of spring break. Most of us slept less than 3 hours the night before because we had to meet at 3am. By any outward measure, this was not going to be a fun day because we were so exhausted. However, the Lord surprised us again as He always does. We were received
by a warm Texan family. There’s a big front yard for us to play frisbee. Many students from Dallas joined us in singing and a game of frisbee. In the evening, the family prepared a Texan BBQ for us. It was mad on point!! I could tell they really put a lot of effort into it! After the meal, I had sweet fellowship with a few local brothers. We prayed for each other’s family and our going on with the Lord. After that we had a bonfire singing time. Watching the joy glowing on every face, I knew I saw the glorious joy of the Spirit!
Hallelujah! What a day!
–Eric K.
“Singing with grace in your hearts to God” (Colossians 3:16)
Praise the Lord! What an awesome start to the spring break trip. Though our bodies may have been running on little to no sleep, our spirits were burning. My highlight of the day was just being able to sing with the believers. Whether it was singing at 3 A.M. in the morning, singing in the car ride from the airport, or singing around a campfire with the believers from Texas, we were singing with grace in our hearts to God. Hallelujah! How enjoyable it is to sing!
After eating a delicious barbeque prepared by the brothers and sisters in Arlington, we gathered around a campfire and enjoyed the Lord by singing to Him. Many of us had never met any of the Christians here before, but they were not shy in teaching us new songs and hand-motions. We learned a new song called “Christ in You! Christ in Me!” and learned hand-motions to “Fill my spirit up”. As we sang, we were not believers from Berkeley and believers from Arlington. We were just members of one Body enjoying the same Lord. The Christ that they were pouring out through their singing and praising was the same Christ that we have been enjoying together all year long. To be able to experience the oneness of the Body in such a real way, what can we say except Hallelujah!
–Joe C.