Poor Spanish translations, whale skeletons, and the overflow meeting—a couple of phrases that described our day… Throughout the morning, the sisters practiced our Spanish with saints in Salinas (ex. “hermano” means brother, not “hermando”). After being refreshed by breakfast with the saints, our day was filled with activities: we saw tide pools & a whale skeleton and played mini games at Point Lobos, and explored some parts of Carmel-By-The-Sea.
Despite the exhausting schedule, we got back to the meeting hall and had a very enjoyable dinner and meeting where we got to share , or "overflow", our enjoyment with the saints! Beginning with singing “Dearest Lord You’ve Called Us Here,” we were immediately refreshed by the same Spirit. As the meeting progressed, it was reviving to have the testimonies of the community saints in Salinas and Berkeley students, and we truly experienced the mutual flowing of the Spirit. In particular, I enjoyed John 4:14, “But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall by no means thirst forever; but the water that I will give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into eternal life.” This verse describes the Triune God: the Father as the source, the Son as the springing up, and the Spirit as the flowing through us! Throughout this spring break trip, I’ve had a fresh appreciation of this corporate enjoyment of the same Lord that supplies us in these three ways. All of the saints from San Jose, Cupertino, Salinas, and even Berkeley have been so supplying and shepherding (physically and spiritually), and it’s been such an enjoyable time being built up and blended in oneness with the saints!
—Natalie F.

Greetings from Salinas! Today is our second day here. We went over to Point Lobos for a hike over the beautiful coast of California. During our journey there, I learned from our beloved sister Felicia that Feliz Navidad is actually a Spanish term.
We were indulged by the beautiful scenery of Carmel Bay. I was impressed by our brother Pheelep's ability to identify edible plants, he did a firsthand demo to us too!
After the hike, we drove over to Carmel-by-the-Sea where we were given free time to explore the area. The sisters decided to visit Carmel Plaza, bought some exquisite donuts for us to eat. It had such an incredible time together, we bonded and took numerous highly choreographed pictures (read: insta-worthy pics)
We finished the day with our overflow meeting with the saints in Salinas, we shared our enjoyment in blending with the saints across the Bay and Central coast area these past week. We strengthen each other in the Spirit and the one Body of Christ Jesus.
Adios Amigos,
Eilien L.

Today we had a healthy breakfast and went on a small hike at Point Lobos. The view was great and we played a mini game that required fast reflexes. Afterward we went closer to the coast and watched the waves. There were tide pools with sea anemones, sea urchins, and other marine sea life. There was another mini game called battlefield charades that kept us on our toes. Next we went to Carmel-by-the-Sea before coming back for a meal with the Salinas saints. We ended our day with sharing in English and Spanish on our experience of our trip so far with an emphasis on spiritually what we saw. Looking forward to our last day of our spring break trip tomorrow!
—Wendy L.

Today was the penultimate day of our trip—and though I was a little blue knowing our trip ends tomorrow, I’m so thankful that there are never any goodbyes in the Body! The Body is universal, eternal, and flowing between all the members no matter where we are!
I love blending with the precious saints, especially when we do fun activities :P I particularly liked visiting the tidepools in Point Lobos, and watching the waves crash over the rocks. Watching a wave crash over one of the other students was pretty fun too. And we saw crabs! My camera finally has decent photos in it.
After returning to the church in Salinas for dinner, we had a sweet time sharing our highlights from the trip in both Spanish and English. During this time, I realized how precious the members of the Body are. Just as the Lord loves all the members of His church, I felt that there was something within me that couldn’t help but love these saints whom I had met only two days prior. Each person’s portion in Christ was also so watering! I’m so thankful that we had the opportunity to blend with the saints in Salinas.
“What then, brothers? Whenever you come together, each one has a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation, has a tongue, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for building up.” (1 Corinthians 14:26)
—Zoe O.
