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  • Theo P., Joseph K., David L.

#CoCinAZ, Day 7

One thing that I noticed from this trip was that I always felt tired whether that was falling asleep in the car, coming groggily to meal times, or sleeping very late at night. However, today, I read something that encouraged me: “When you say that you are tired, you are in your old man. You need to be strengthened into the inner man. You may be tired, but He is not tired”. In the evening meeting with Fullerton today, I was tired but I was in in my spirit. I enjoyed laughing with the brothers from Fullerton over dinner, singing with my heart to the Lord, and reading Christian ministry writings with the brothers and sisters. At the end of the meeting, I was still exhausted, but I was happy that I touched the Lord. I stood up to share my enjoyment of the Lord and felt life coursing through my being. Praise the Lord! Lord, I turn to You in my spirit!

—Theo P.

“Honestly…what could be so interesting about a musical instrument museum?” My expectations were low and the prospects of this part of the trip were grim. Not gonna lie.

However, I was pleasantly surprised one booth at a time. The rich history of musical instruments were unveiled to us through our tour guide @Chris (shoutout to the homie—if you are reading this, thanks for being the homiest of tour guides ~a truemie). V cool!

I was fascinated by a beautiful phenomenon…music seems to be the universal language that transcends every cultural barrier adjoining the human soul, conveying feelings and thoughts that words could never express. Wuhhh!

Personally, this epiphany seemed to be very consistent with my experience this week. The highlights of this week had to have been singing with the saints in other localities! But was my enjoyment just the music for my souls? Perhaps it was the life inside the hymns flowing out through our human spirits! I love it!

Thank you MIM for such a cool experience!

—Joseph K.

You gotta hear me out… Enter Walking in today to the Museum of sound. Started off quiet then I took a look around. The whole crew pull up, headphone tours in. As we listened to the instruments' harmonious din Chris, the Homie tour guide, Giving us the rundown. Everybody acting quiet Ain’t nobody acting clown. Chris and I's conversation got real deep. He said he reads our blogs, he said our club sound sweet. A cappella on the stairs, drumming in our hearts. After visiting the gift shop, Our time came to depart. 100% original Joseph Kuo (big Joe on the streets)

Tonight we had family time, a time when everybody said that they were so happy that tomorrow is the day we finally return to Berkeley. Due to many difficulties over the week (like cars breaking down, or people getting sick), many people wanted to leave the spring break trip in the middle. Fortunately they didn't, because then no one would be left. Just kidding. Although this trip was undeniably hard, due to unforeseen incidents, this spring break trip was nevertheless one of the best trips of my life. One of the reasons is that God was with us. During many difficulties, instead of just worrying, we called upon the name of the Lord. And surprisingly, things didn't turn out the way we expected, but it was still good. Another reason is the blending with the brothers and sisters. We gathered together as one Body, and I realized how sweet and important it is for the church to do this.

God, thank you for the church and this lovely trip.

—David L.

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