“Welcome week hit the ground running with an open barbecue! We enjoyed freshly grilled hot dogs and hamburgers, as well as some dessert at the end of the event. This event, however, was not all about food. After dinner, a member of the club, Jon K., spoke on how we are all sheep (helpless little animals) in need of a Shepherd (Jesus Christ) and a flock (fellow believers). After that, other returning members presented a video with a general overview of the club, including some of our regular activities.
A day later, the club held an event called Cookies and Lemonade on a grass field by Upper Sproul. As the name implies, we had cookies and lemonade. Although there wasn’t as much food as the barbecue, it was still a fun time to just hang out, relax, and get to know other students. Also, the cookies were quite good!
Next up was Ice Cream Connect. Students used the time to chill with some tasty ice cream after a hectic second day of class. I felt that this time helped me momentarily forget about the anxieties that naturally come with attending college (not to mention that 3.3 GPA cap for all you fellow L&S CS majors out there!). I was able to de-stress and give myself some time to get to know my club better. We also heard a testimony from an alumnus (Kevin S.) about life at college.
To conclude Welcome Week, we had a picnic at Memorial Glade. Like Cookies and Lemonade, it was more like a casual get-together. People brought their lunches or just stopped by to say hi. The more athletically-inclined threw frisbees around and went looking for Kiwibots on campus. I just opted to take a nap.
Welcome Week’s activities were really fun, but I found myself much more excited about being able to meet classmates, club members, and believers so early into the school year! As much as I wish for Welcome Week to continue on forever, this fun string of events must come to a close. However, the fun doesn’t end here! We still have weekly Bible studies and so many more fun events planned throughout the rest of the year! Be sure to stay tuned for details!”
-Noah L.