Praise the Lord for Romans 12! I think I can speak for all the ones at our Bible study when I say that our time together was so enjoyable and that the Lord has revealed so much to us concerning transformation. One particular point I enjoyed was the connection between chapter 12 and chapters 1-8. As we saw in our Bible studies last semester, the first 8 chapters of Romans have everything to do with God accomplishing a complete salvation for His believers. But hallelujah! His work does not end there! It was wonderful to see last night that there is a purpose to our complete salvation. This purpose is that those who enjoyed the first half of Romans, those who experienced God’s complete salvation, would be members one of another as the Body of Christ! God desires such a Body and desires for us to live in this Body. This requires transformation, and transformation requires our entire being. It requires the presenting of our bodies (Rom. 12:1), the renewing of our mind (Rom. 12:2), and our burning in spirit (Rom. 12:11)! May the Lord gain such a thorough transforming work in us!
Matt C.