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Grace Lam, Ivy Zhou, Jessica Yu

#CoCinCANVID, Day 6

Updated: Feb 27, 2021

When I told people that I would be going to Boise, Idaho over spring break, the immediate reaction wasn’t so much “wow, tfti to that paradise vacation” or “dang, I’m so jealous of your dream getaway.” More commonly, I’d get questionable looks and responses like— “what even is there to do in Boise?” or “where even is Boise? All I can think of when I think about Boise is potatoes.” It was hard to also not feel that way at first— when we arrived in Boise, I looked around and felt like there didn’t seem to be much to do here at all. Today, I was reminded that not only is that not true (Boise is full of things to do!), but that it’s also not the most important thing. My highlight of today wasn’t what we did (although the activities really were fun), but more so just being with everyone and simply enjoying with all the saints. I had the chance to meet two junior sisters who go to Boise State University, and found out that I had so much in common with them (I’ll be studying abroad at the SAME place and at the SAME time as one of the sisters, and I went to the rival high school of the other sister!). I also met some elementary school and junior high students, whose were so cute and lively. And I also met some really sweet community saints, including the couple that I’m staying with, who graciously opened both their hearts and their home to us. It was truly so sweet getting to blend with all the saints; being here in Boise really reminds me that the Body is really One, and that we can all be blended and knit together in love, no matter who we are, or where we are. In terms of today’s events, some of my highlights were visiting an ice cream place called Goody’s after going to the Boise Penitentiary— they had guava-berry sorbet (very yum), and also going to a nearby toy store, where we played with whoopee cushions, dollhouses, funky slime things, and other cool toys that I never had the chance to play with when I was young. Following that, we had a college meeting in the meeting hall (where I met the two Boise students!). We ate teriyaki drumsticks (!!), cookies, and Jesus! It was truly such a sweet time of singing, sharing, and blending.

— Grace L.

Thursday was a day full of the rich enjoyment of Christ with all the brothers and sisters! The day started off with a corporate and personal morning revival time at the Boise meeting hall. Coming to the Lord’s presence afresh corporately with all the brothers and sisters was so sweet! During my personal morning time with the Lord, I really enjoyed Hebrews 12:2, which was attached to the Bible reading board of the children’s meeting room. This verse reminds us to look away unto Jesus and also reminds us of all that He went through for the joy set before Him, which is the church, which is us! The Lord loved us so much that He endured the cross and despised the shame. He was a human just like all of us, yet He had to go through the worst of circumstances for us. I also appreciated the Lord’s love through Brother John’s sharing Thursday night. Brother John recalled the story of the prodigal son and his father. Just like the prodigal son’s father, our God loves us so much that He is desperately waiting for us, constantly looking out the window to see whether or not we have come home. Brother John encouraged us to return and never leave the Father’s house because that is where we can receive the richest enjoyment of the Lord day by day. Aside from the rich spiritual enjoyment of Christ, we went to Lucky Peak Dam in the morning and early afternoon. We got a tour with the Park Ranger, explored the wildlife in the area, and took many many pictures of the sights along the drive to and from the dam. The nature in the area was beautiful! I even saw a real live plateau! On top of the beautiful scenery, we even had a chance to try some of Terrie’s delicious Dippin’ Dots cereal. Mmmm, tasty! Overall, we can really taste and BoiSE(E) that the Lord is good in Idaho!

— Ivy Z.

Today was our first full day in Boise! We spent the morning and lunchtime at Lucky Peak State Park, visiting two dams and enjoying Idaho's natural beauty. In the afternoon, most of our group went to Old Idaho State Penitentiary. The most enjoyable part of today, however, was the college meeting in the evening with the church in Boise. We shared a meal with the saints and had fellowship together about our enjoyment of Christ, most notably with regards to how necessary it is for us to be built up together in one Body. As a first-year living in the dorms, I often go days without interacting with other Christians, but having so much time together on this trip I've experienced how empty my life is without other believers. Just as we cannot live one day without the Lord Jesus, neither can we live one day without other Christians! Later in the evening we sang hymn #325 which relates the experience of each one of us as the prodigal son: born of God, having left to go our own way, but eventually returning to God's mercy and grace. From this hymn there was a lot of prophesying and sharing, culminating in two important realizations: 1) how great our burden is to shepherd those around us who have, like the prodigal son, strayed; and 2) how great is the Lord's love for us! He died for us and saved us not because we were sinful, but because of His great and overwhelming love for us.

— Jessica Y.

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